Impact Statement
July 2024

Unfiltered Facts in Real Time

Our extensive, fact-based coverage of major events reached millions of readers nationwide, providing a reliable alternative to mainstream media narratives.

Greg Bishop, Associate Editor for The Center Square, at the 2024 Republican National Convention.

In 2020 CNN published a story headlined, “85 infants under age 1 tested for coronavirus in one Texas county.” Reading the story you learn that 85 children under the age of 2 had cases - cumulative from March-July. However, that didn’t stop the hyperbolic headline from leading the news cycle, then parrotted by dozens of other outlets such as NBC, MSN, and iHeart - in addition to numerous local outlets.

Five years ago, we all saw the negative effects of a news industry happy to conform to the “narrative of the day” in lock-step orchestration. We are seeing that again today, with one difference.

Because of you, the foundation for reliable, credible, and widely distributed fact-based content was ready the day an assassination attempt was made on former President Donald Trump - ensuring the facts were reported in real time nationwide.

In total, The Center Square (TCS) published 54 stories in the week after the attempt on Trump’s life, driving 8,391 placements across 329 markets nationwide - all relying on TCS for accurate, frequent, and timely reporting.

To truly understand this impact, consider this: the combined total audience of these media partners represent 22.8 million daily readers. This means that these stories didn’t just live on the pages of our website, but were delivered to millions of readers in every state across the country.

And in thanks to your support, the team has not let up.

Our coverage immediately advanced into reporting on the ground from the Republican National Convention, delivering articles and videos in real time; reporting the fact-based news you and readers like you need.

Reporting from Milwaukee, TCS staff interviewed delegates from Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Wisconsin, and a variety of other states. We then delivered that content directly to readers as well as media publishers.

One video, led with questioning from The Center Square reporters, highlights the negative environment African Americans across Cook County are seeing as a result of singular Democrat control in Chicago. Recording the video, then making it widely available for free use, more than 6.5 million viewers on X (formally Twitter) heard firsthand, unedited content from a group of several African American pastors across the city, detailing the impact of rampant crime and the need for election integrity.

It has never been clearer that honest, unbiased reporting is essential.

The Center Square newswire was created for this moment.

Our work reached millions of readers across the country in real time backed by sources offering a potent alternative to the partisan provocateurs in the mainstream media who have fueled political outrage whenever possible.

This reporting - made possible through your partnership - has led the way in cool-headed, fact-based journalism for years.

I thank you for your generous support, which allows The Center Square to deliver critical reporting when it is needed most.

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